Friday 23 August 2013

21st birthday gone wrong!

This is my first encounter whereby I've made a cake order and it was cancelled at the last minute. This is actually 1 of the 3 cakes that was rushed out in the 3 days span. Wasted effort but no one is really to blame for it. The story goes like this. Jolene contacted me a few months back to order her own 2-tier 21st birthday cake. I marked it down on my calendar and thinking that she won't forget her own birthday, I didn't contact her till the cake is done. Here's a look of the cake.

The key for 21st birthday.

I have been searching online for the key for quite sometime but couldn't find one so I had to make it by myself. 

Teal-coloured ribbon on the cake to make it look more elegant.

So when the cake is done and I msg her, her sister called instead and told me Jolene got into an accident and is now in hospital ICU awaiting surgery. My heart totally sank when I heard that as it seems like a serious issue and it had to happen during her birthday. I think it happened a few days back and her sis told me that they actually tried to contact me to cancel the order but somehow the line didn't get through. Anyway, obviously there isn't going to be any party and the cake won't be needed. I just hope that Jolene will be alright and wish that she will get well soon!

And so what am I going to do with the cake? With no cancellation policy and anything, this cake is totally wasted and unpaid. But, no one is to blame for this to happen. Apparently I'm not going to cut up the cake and eat as my family and I have been eating cupcakes for the past few days and we are really tired of it. LOL. But I'm not going to just throw it away either as it is really a waste of food (and my effort). So, I contacted my friend, Wan Jia, to give away the cake and see if she wants to have it for supper/breakfast or whatsoever. Thank god her grandma's birthday is next week and she doesn't mind having a birthday cake for her and celebrating it earlier this week! However, the design will have to change as the name and key will not be appropriate for her grandma's birthday.

Putting a few longevity buns on top in replace of the name and key.
This is the best I can do to alter the design to suit her grandma better although I think it's still a bit girlish and modern for an elderly's birthday. Check out my grandma's birthday cake below if you have not.

But anyway, at least the cake have not gone to waste! This is really something that I have not expected but well, there's always lessons learnt from all these happenings. Hope Jolene get well soon!

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